The Productivity of Nothingness
the art of being present by doing absolutely nothing
Don’t be busy, be productive
It is just another Sunday, I’m doing nothing, just sleeping all day. And yes, it actually feels good.
Not until there someone comes up to ruin the daydreams..
“Why you still sleeping ? It’s weekend dude, let’s get out, why not doing something better?“
“C’mon, our weekend can be productive too !”
Now that’s interesting
Well that depends on how you define a “productivity”. Being busy doesn’t mean being productive, right?
In fact, being busy is not the same as being productive.
Be reminded that we basically the same amount of time, each day. Which is yes, you nail it, 24 hours.
If you have more, surely you must be coming from the outer world, off-nowhere. And you really don’t belong here, just go back to your place peacefully, please …
Right, about productivity
From my own experiences, there is no such thing as a “global productivity”. The term “productivity” is usually related to:
- specific goals, or
- missions, or
- achievements, or
- tasks, or
whatever you want to define them.
Let’s say..
you are being productive towards your first cooking trial on Gordon Ramsay’s Beef Wellington copycats-but-better
doesn’t mean you are also productive in
achieving other unrelated goal, for example, earning a driving license
Another case be like
Imagine if you don’t have any goals, how can you label yourself as a productive or non-productive?
“umm wait, I had no goals to pursue, not yesterday, also the day before …. I was just doing everything I wanted to do ..”
“but yes, I think I was pretty productive …“
now that’s very cute, you’re allowed to talk to my cats now 🙂
Seriously? Productive on what ?? Therefore, it is just too obvious that you are impossible to be productive if you have no clear objectives at all.
Now how about
Let’s say this is your goal:
“right, I want to be just relaxed all day this weekend and getting away from job stuffs…”
And this is your real action, your progression in order to reach your goal:
“I’ll sleep all-day-long, counting sheep…”
Thus, it seems that your real action aligns well with your goal, right? So yes! Congratulations, you’re super productive now!
But if
You are still busy doing stuffs like:
- checking emails, or
- respond to clients or customers, or
- try to get your boss’ attention..
Then it is counter-productive, towards your well-defined goal: getting away from job stuffs.
Finally we have a point here: sleeping all day can be considered as productive !
From certain point of view, of course, from that specific goal.
Creating balance
Of course I’m busy sometimes. But when I’m not busy, it doesn’t mean I’m not being productive.
Maybe I’m just being productive in achieving the nothing-ness, thus by doing absolutely nothing.
As for me, aside from my job responsibilities, one of my daily achievements is that nothing-ness, (maybe) so-called mindfulness, or just being present and do nothing.
Well finally, life is all about balance, isn’t it? Why not trying to create one ? Trust me, no one ever will create it for you, so I bet you shall ..
Anyway, I’m off to sleep now 🐏🐏🐏
À plus !